A Bonehead Biography By Omeron - 4 Ahau 18 Mac, 2005Nov08 The Crystal Skulls, commonly called the Skulls, have provided intrigue and experience for countless seekers and seers. Those unfamiliar with the phenomenon may need some introduction to grasp the full magnitude of these discoveries. Over the last century, archaeologists have found a number of crystal skulls carved from pure quartz crystal, which exhibit unusual properties. Firstly, we cannot date the crystal, due to the lack of carbon. We know nothing of the Skulls' origins or methods of construction, except for the myths of the traditional people, speaking of beings from the Pleiades manifesting twelve and one crystal skulls upon the Earth to act as information repositories. The Earth has twelve primary energy points in the form of a dodecahedron. Each point has a skull to tend its records. The thirteenth Skull resides in a subtle form, acting as a master coordinator. According to myth, they probably came into being in Atlantean times, utilizing a process of condensing energy down to the etheric or subtle level. Some also speak of the form coming from the head of an Atlantean princess. Aside from that we know little, and scientists tend to dismiss myths as, to quote Tolkien, lies and therefore worthless, even though "breathed through silver." Most scientists prefer to focus on the unique physical characteristics of the crystal, such as displaying predictable reactions to various types of radiation, light, and sound. The skulls feature two eyes with a third eye between them, a nose, and a mouth with teeth. These features have very exact detail, which we can only begin to approach with lasers. Scientists tend to get upset at the spiritual stories, saying that they only detract from the true points of interest. Irregardless of one's viewpoint, we cannot precisely say how and when these skulls came into existence. Whether one views them through physical or metaphysical eyes, the Crystal Skulls present a fascinating mystery, which one can confront in a very real and physical way if they encounter one of the Master Skulls. Several of the more well-known skulls have names, such as Max. I saw Max in 1998. A woman named Joann Parks currently keeps Max, and takes him on tours across the country. She comes from Texas, which at that time, had unusually bad air pollution. Of course, public officials told everyone not to worry, and that the pollution posed no threat to the public health. When we met, after introducing herself as coming from Texas, it seemed like a good idea to ask if she knew anything about the air pollution. She emphatically said that she and her husband had to leave the area because it made them sick. That day's events began the mistrust of the puppet government, and the awareness of something greater. Joann said that we each have a crystal skull within us, and the Crystal Skulls really want to help us reawaken our own internal abilities, our crystal skull. Seeing Max feels so awesome. He feels very smooth, and probably weighs around twenty pounds. He also has some groovy grooves. He sits on a little table with a light shining up through the crystal. When you confront one of the true skulls, you just know that you have come into the presence of something ancient. A cool wall of crystalline energy envelopes your being, as ancient thoughts resurface as if from the voice of an old forgotten friend. After the meeting, I bought a little crystal skull which spent time basking in Max's energy field. Of course, someone carved these little guys, but they have the same approximate shape, and the link to the master skull. It has always brought comfort to have this connection. Don Croft made reference to an energy device of his which uses a crystal skull. Now, Andy Schwarm of www.ctbusters.com has begun manufacturing them. He uses the same type of little carved quartz crystal skull, and puts a mobius coil around it.. For those who don't know, a mobius coil generates pure chaotic energy. It has no organization, nor does it have orgonization. It freaks you out if you become exposed to enough of it. The crystal within the coil takes the chaotic energy, organizing and orgonizing it, filtering the chaos through its living order. Filtering chaos through order creates life-fource, or in other words, orgone. The coil has a very low-amperage pulsed current going through it, and this combination reliably generates very pure orgone. Don Croft first brought this class of device to the public, and calls it a Succor Punch (sp). The crystal used makes a difference. The original ones use a hefty quartz crystal. They have a great basic feel, like an all-purpose tool. The obsidian feels like a fource-bolt. Lava hardens to become obsidian, a crystal somewhat like a cross between glass and metal. The Aztecs used obsidian to create their weapons, including swords and sacrificial knives. The eggs feel like a strong actively passive field of lunar phosphorescence. Powerwands feel like the big beater, a psionic hand-cannon. Bonehead, of course, has his own feel. Bonehead, the name Andy first used for his, and which he uses as the term for the device, has the most human-friendly feel. The skull shape influences the shape of the generated energy field, infusing it with the skull's crystal pattern. This makes it very tolerable. To explain, especially over prolonged times or in small energetically confined spaces, many devices can begin to feel overwhelming, similar to a high dose of caffeine. The skull, however, keeps things very human-friendly. Additionally, Don Croft had a great idea to give Bonehead obsidian eyes. The two orbs poke out, searching and seeing the way behind ways, providing guidance to good and terror to evil. The Skulls help one align to one's master template and to enter into an effortless dialogue with the source of a guiding fource. Things just seem to work out well. To top things off, the mobius coil goes around the skull, providing an eerie headband, like an interdimensional halo. After seeing Max, I became very excited to first read about Bonehead. I hoped for a succor punch type device which would provide that same cool wall of crystalline logic-love. I wanted something that, like my little skull, provided an active connection to the master Skulls, with the dynamic interactive nature of a succor punch. Bonehead fulfills all these requirements. The crystalline wall of energy may not feel as dense as the master Skulls, but this simply comes from the differences between the masses of the crystals. Given their small size, the energy these little Boneheads produce seems more than remarkable. After Andy made this one, he turned it on to test it, and its energy field became instantly known. "You guys are already old friends." Andy rightfully wrote.